GIS Autisme et TND

ANDREW2 (Autism and NeuroDevelopment REsearch Workshop 2) - session jeunes chercheurs - 1er Juin 2021 - version sous-titrée [June 1, 2021]


ANDREW2 (Autism and NeuroDevelopment REsearch Workshop 2) : 1er Juin 2021

Neuro-Developmental Disorders : from environmental epidemiology to translational research

Co-organisé par le CeAND (CHU Montpellier) et le GIS Autisme et TND

Session jeunes chercheurs

«Residential exposure to agricultural crops and adaptive behaviors in children with autism spectrum disorder from the French ELENA cohort» - Jeanne Ongono - Université Paris Saclay, INSERM U1018, CESP

«Associations between a mixture of phenols and phthalates and child behavior» - Claire Philippat - Centre de Recherche UGA, INSERM U1209, CNRS UMR 5309

«Detection of a longitudinal microRNA signature during transition to Psychosis» - Anton Iftimovici - Université de Paris, IPNP, INSERM U1266, CNRS GDR 3557

Version sous-titrée

Tags: autisme centres environnementale epidemiologie excellence gis neuro-developpement recherche tnd translationnelle troubles




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