Physiopathologie, métabolisme, nutrition

A walk through the uses of AI in experimental biology and bio-medicine - April 1st, 2022 [1 avril 2022]


A walk through the uses of AI in experimental biology and bio-medicine - April 1st, 2022
ITMOs Pathophysiology Metabolism Nutrition & Health Technologies

SESSION 3 – Chair Marie-Christine Jaulent, Paris & Corinne Sébastiani, Paris

Finding is believing: AI reveals the presence of macromolecules in 3D cellular cryogenic electron tomograms – Emmanuel Moebel, Rennes

Cardiovascular digital twins based on biomechanical modeling – Dominique Chapelle, Paris

Natural language processing for data extraction in clinical texts: useful in the context of a pandemic ? – Antoine Neuraz, Paris

The digital twins a means to embedding AI from bench to patient’s bedside – Lotfi Senhadji, Rennes

Conclusion – Christian Boitard, ITMO PMN

Mots clés : artificial intelligence biomedicine digital twins modelling natural language processing




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