Licence Creative Commons From organoid to artificial organ - September 22nd, 2020 [22 septembre 2020]


From organoid to artificial organ - September 22nd, 2020
ITMOs Pathophysiology Metabolism Nutrition & Health Technologies

Forum Flash talks on biotech products/tools for research or clinical use
Xavier GIDROL, co-director ITMO Health Technologies
           Jean-Luc GALZI, Strasbourg

Stem Genomics, Agnès MIERMONT “New tests to assess the genetic integrity of stem cells”.

HCS Pharma, Nathalie MAUBON “Biomimesys® 3D technology which is a natural HA-based scaffold to better mimic the tissue environment”

Cellink, Pierre-Alexandre LAURENT “3D bioprinting technologies for organoids engineering: tools BIOX and BioInks”

Stemcell technologies, Philippe TROPEL “Standardization tools for 3D cell cultures”

Mots clés : 3d bioprinting artificial cell culture organ on chips organoid stem cell




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