• Introduction to open science
  • Articulating the problem
  • Different routes to open access
  • New emerging models
  • Conclusion
  • Questions with the audience

Licence Creative Commons Guillaume_Sescousse_Publishing_era_Open_Science [29 janvier 2024]


Publishing in the era of open science

In this talk I'll try to answer the following questions: Why publishing open access? What are the guidelines from our institutions? What are the different options out there? What are the advantages? The pitfalls?...

I'll start with quick definitions and a clear articulation of the problems we're facing regarding the open publication of our papers.
Then I'll walk you through the different routes to open access (gold, green, hybrid, diamond), and will finish with presenting emerging models that depart from the traditional publication system. I hope this will trigger a lively discussion and will change how you approach your next submission!


Presentation slides are availaible on HAL.

Mots clés : open science publication




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